you can't always get what you want
if you believe in can't, perhaps,
but that's besides the point...
”a man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a glass of water… the bartender reaches under the bar for a shotgun and fires a shot that barely misses the man… the man says thank you, puts a tip on the bar, and leaves…
why did the man say thank you?...
you can’t always get what you want…
you can’t always get what you want…
but if you try sometimes…
so long, not to say farewell, but to mark the time as the last time i babbled a bit here was so long ago, relatively speaking (yeah, writing), and sometimes it could be a blast from the past (as facebook has provided in recent times) and sometimes it’s something more obscure or indirect, like a story unrelated to anything personal and yet, connects with some emotion down deep enough to shiver me timbers and send those unmistakable shivers up and down the spine (such as an ncis episode, a show that built a remarkable character base that reflects the closeness and distance of relationships that are intimate on some levels and not intimate on other levels, in other words, people who share love for each other on levels deeper than friends and yet, do not become lovers, something like . . . family, i suppose… anyway, that’s the primary drawn of ncis for me, in case you wondered) and then there’s the babble that just seems to go on and on and on with little or no reason or more or less and in some way becomes an allegory for some profound metaphor of personal history or experience or fantasy or intensity beyond the reach of mortal man (or something like that)…
and even as i (here comes another blatant plug, without any more warning than this, actually) continue to update daily life, daily, even, and it may even seem as if i am happily rolling along in the newly found brevity of that and still more blogs than there are sticks to shake at (under the blog brevity act of 2008, no doubt, the blog region of the written gardens expanded to become bigger than the diary and journal regions combined and almost as big as the original written gardens so brutally deleted from the web by att in the callous corporate cut-off of 2010 – no really, it was quite dramatic, traumatic, and automatic and what’s worse, earlier than warned it would happen so i did not have time to download the almost 40Mb of writing {do you have any idea of how many words are in 40Mb of simple html pages?} and therefore, the att corporate bastards join the league of assholes at disney and abc and lycos and other american businessmen who build-in obsolescence into every product and to hell with the consumers, the American people, and the American way that used to be the work ethic and pride in labor and product that now moves many other countries ahead of the u.s. in so many ways, quality, reliability, efficiency, marketability, education, human services, equality, security, and are we having fun yet?)…
or something like what?...
believe it or not we are not (so not, actually) walking on air and in so many ways not free… but one thing, free to fall asleep right now, right here, in RealTime™ can I and will, I, yes… to be continued tomorrow… i hope…
it is tomorrow (well, not directly the day after the day the previous words were written, but the day after the day before, which does make it a tomorrow even if it was not the precise tomorrow hoped for in the previous thought and yet, what is time and is not every day after the day before (or this moment, even) tomorrow in the broader sense of future as opposed to a specific day?…
again, we widen our eyes (so soon?) and what?...
but (or not to but, that is not the question for the moment as we are about to delve into deeper waters and proposed that the ultimate question may simply be, wait, let’s step out of this parentheses first) are you in touch (which was recorded moments ago, according to the blogspot blog records, the one thousand seven hundred sixty ninth {yes, 1769} post in the (e)thereal blog {which finally achieved the brevity sought for all these long years in so many other writing utensils}, though there is a discrepancy in the counter {so much for the precision of google analytics} as the total blogposts count is 1776 and yet there are 8 unpublished {scheduled} blog posts so first grade math tells us that 8 plus 1769 equals 1777, yet the counter says 1776 total posts at (e)thereal blog, i mean, if you are counting or even aware (e)thereal exists, for that matter, that is) and even more poignantly, do you wanna be (really?... i think the question, that is the ultimate question mentioned before the parenthetic asides stepped in, was are you in touch, i mean, in case you were starting to get lost there for a sec) as the momentarily current (e)thereal blog entry sort of asks (and tells, even), and if you don’t believe it, well, here it is extrapolated and expounded upon as is usually the case in these matters (and if you know what matters of which we refer, we are applauding you even as you scratch your head, metaphorically, of course)…
are you in touch?
keeping, that is, as in keeping in touch (kit™ ©1960, 1966, 1973, 1987, 2001 and KIT™ ©1960, 1966, 1973, 1987, 2001 and soon to be 2012 or 13, at least and too as well, also, even, i mean, just in case you missed it in the original online version or, as every human being on the planet except maybe one or a few who may not have even noticed or been paying attention did not see or become aware of until now or whenever this may be read, the original hand written original manuscript {epic manifesto, no doubt} was almost hermetically sealed in a time-capsule {box} and stored in storage {the location has been moved a few times for love, but the boxes remain intact} except for those scattered pages that were partially stolen or destroyed in various dastardly thefts, human betrayals, and unexpected natural {or unnatural, depending on perspective} disasters over the years, just for the record and interest {as opposed to residuals} or concern {caring?} if you have any, for me or at least for the babbling {and KIT™, member?... i mean, that is where this entry and we, at least, that is, the online we, started, after all, so if there was a point, yeah} you've missed, i mean)…
in any case (what?... you expect explanations in (e)thereal™ ha ha ha, i laugh at your moxey and refer to you the babbler™ {The Babbler™ ©1973, 1999, and so on} as i continue the brevity™ {someday} finally initiated with general {and hopefully recognizable} purpose {as opposed to the funda™ ©2004 or so, which was barely noticed [though perhaps more than this, ironically] or understood} cuz you can’t always get what you want, ya know?... i mean, even you try all the time, cha cha cha), i am, since you asked (your reading this far is implicit curiosity whether you acknowledge it or not, so there, na na na na na) exhausted but less pain though that may be the tylenol masking symptoms but i am hopeful and happier than yesterday in spite of the challenges so odds are i am going to make it through the week and though odds do not mean absolute certainty the hopefulness and happiness help perspective stay positive which theoretically raises the odds if you believe in such things…
and how are you? :)
right, so whatever that means, you’ll note that i actually ask how are you? and just so you know, in case you lose touch skimming through all this babble (or even if you read every word three times, at least, and still are not sure you follow every long and short winding road that leads me to your door), i do actually truly really want to know how are you? as in how you are right now? and how is life going for you? and what matters to you? yes, at this moment and this week/month and in life?… contrary to what you might consider your intelligence and common sense, i do not waste words and do not write what i do not mean to write (even when i am scatting through babble at break-neck speeds and playing with words hap-hazardly without a thought about anything other than the creative process {and not even that at times for that is the essence and potential art of free-association and babble™ ya know, or maybe not, know, that is} for even in pure imaginary word-play i am seeking to convey some point and each word is a conveyor of that point, successful or not {more often not, perhaps}, so believe it or not, i do) so i do want to know (accepting we can‘t always get what we want, of course, the point is, ultimate or not, we can continue asking {cuz if we try sometimes, now you get it?... wait, still thinking about the man who walked into the bar?)…
so… how ya doin? :)
oh, and the man, you know, the one who said thank you to the bartender?...
he had the hiccups…
Labels: amused, appreciation, beliefs, blurry, busy, caring, ethereal, giggles, irony intros, kit, life, links, love, mac n cheese, relativity, secrets, smile, tears, you, zoom