spontaneous combustion (oslt)
where is the face of the earth, anyway?... and the other body parts?...
meanwhile, i was heading to bed (really i was... read the blog entry linked if you don't believe me, ok?) cuz i had a major series of interviews today (just got home from them) and all logic and normalness said get a good night of sleep but somehow, suddenly, when we were least expecting it and the moon aligned with asparagus, this happened (it really was no miracle, what happened was just this)... ok, so the whole idea of getting some sleep is not working out too well as i ponder clothing and consider that i most likely would go out shopping for a new outfit today if the interview was tomorrow and i could have scheduled it for tomorrow but the choices were tuesday afternoon or thursday 11am and i chose thursday so i could schedule a haircut and i also did not want to be later in the day as i'd rather be interviewed by people not influenced by a full day and i also wanted the other candidate (if they have one) to go first so i have the last impression on their minds as they decide and finally (or last, but not least), i may have considered buying a new outfit... but i didn't do the latter cuz i do not like clothes shopping especially when i am heavier than i want to be and there is the cost factor and other bs i'm sure and laziness likely played it's usual role and now i am sitting here babbling on and on about it and obviously i am excited about the interviews schedule for less than five hours from now and the plan was to way about three hours from now but now i want to try on different outfits when jackson wakes up so she can give me her opinion on the outfits but she probably won't have time to actually do that and i should have done that yesterday instead of babbling on in the blogs and wherever cuz she was home all afternoon and we played tennis and watched something on tv and she should have been working and i should have been shopping or at least trying on clothes i already have and getting her opinion but i didn't do that so why am i rambling on about this now?... do clothes really make the man?... i've got expensive dress suits and clothes in storage, many (as in very many) thousands of dollars invested in that wardrobe, some jackets alone over a thousand dollars and this is probably just excitement (what me, nervous?... not the kind of nervous you might understand as nervous, but definitely hyper excited and bouncy and on which should be good for an interview and jackson just woke up so i am gonna steal her time... back in a bit...
and jackson says she is terrible picking out mens clothes (she always says that) and she looked at the outfits i have available (which are not many cuz i can't feel comfortable in my large or medium clothes and only have a smattering of extra large shirts and after trying on everything she decided i should just wear the same outfit i wore last time cuz it's the best professional outfit and so that's what i will do and hope the vice president is not a clothes snob (didn't get that impression, but who knows... woman have it so much easier in some ways because of the flexibility of women's professional clothes and she was just wearing a comfortable looking dress not a stuffy business suit so hopefully that's the standard there and i won't be unimpressive to whomever else i am meeting today and then jackson brushed my hair because she likes brushed hair (she's really quite conservative in so many ways for a tree hugging liberal flower child) and she asked if i wanted product and i told her that our hairdresser always asks that and i always say no my hair just does what it does and then she said i need to brush my hair and i said i never brush my hair cuz i just shake my hair out after showering and she said it's sticking up and i said that's what it does and she said i should brush it so she brushed it and she started brushing it to the side like normal men do and i said no i want it to just be as it is so she brushed it forward and then i brushed it and she says it looks better and i just think it looks more conservative but i appreciate her spending time helping me and so not iif i lay down to sleep i will have bed head and need another shower and when i shake my head out it will be fluffy again and, as jackson says, sticking up and i don't like brushing my hair and this could be a rather ridiculous loop cuz i am slightly loopy at the moment and getting hungry so maybe i should eat breakfast but that will most likely make me sleepy so maybe i should just eat a kit kat or few and drink water until it's time to go and then before i leave i will drink coffee or code red and take a deep breath and switch into calm, cool, professional mode... or something like that (oslt, now you get it? :)
of course you wouldn't hire the manic looney toon writing this, this babbling bouncy boy is not who shows up at interviews (their loss, but they get what they want)... i know how to present a mature responsible and slightly conservative grown-up leadership presence when i want to... but don't tell anybody that i am not really a grown up, ok?...
so i decided to eat a can of vegetarian vegetable soup from the can cuz i like vegetarian vegetable soup straight from the can even though they stopped putting lima beans and those little round things in there and added a lot more potatoes and i liked it much better when it had the lima beans and the little round things but you can't always get what you want so i still like vegetarian vegetable soup from the can even though there are too many potatoes and the potatoes are not as high a quality as they used to be with some discoloration and varying textures and there are definitely not enough other veggies but i still like this vegetarian vegetable soup mostly cuz i like the tomato base i suppose but it's become sadly obvious that the overall quality at campbell's soup has gone down a whole lot since my first childhood when i used to love this vegetarian vegetable soup much more than i do now and even had an andy warhol can in my room if you remember those cans but anyway i was relating my breakfast which is only sort of breakfast cuz i didn't sleep so i have the can of vegetarian vegetable soup straight from the can and i wanted an everything bagel and cream cheese but the package was not open so i had a hamburger bun and cream cheese cuz that package was open and bread doesn't last too long and i'll have the kit kats for desert cuz chocolate makes everything better and kit kats are some of my favorite chocolates cuz i love sweet milk chocolate which is why nestle's is one of my favorites but also dove and others and even though hershey bars are not as sweet as the others kit kats are much sweeter and creamier than a hershey bar so even though i love dark chocolate too i love sweet creamy milk chocolate most of all which is why kit kats are one of my favorite chocolates cuz not only is the sweet creamy milk chocolate the sweet creamy filling between the wafers make the overall taste even more sweet creamy milk chocolaty and i suppose you might know this by now so i think i'll pause this key tapping at least for a moment...
ok, getting a bit sleepy now and the back and arm are kind of stiff and that's not such a good thing even though i could sleep an hour and a half and still be there on time, even two hours, but will the hair look like bed head if i sleep in the recliner and will the two hours be better or worse (used to be a two hour power nap was a good thing) but then i would have to fall asleep within a few minutes to safely get two hours and i would have to just get dressed and wash my mouth (what?... you just brush your teeth?) and head out the door within fifteen minutes of waking up and that would leave no time for any glitches or car issues or walking happiness but then jackson should be home before noon and he had his morning walk so he would be fine not getting another walk before 10am since he used to have no problem waiting all day when jackson and i were both working and i hope he hasn't gotten too spoiled by my being home combined with his getting older and potentially leaking a bit (at least he does when he first gets in from a walk) but he'll be fine this morning so if i close my eyes and don't move my head much i should be fine to go without much ado when i wake and the alarm should have no problem waking me and the car ought to be find cuz it was fine last night and the clothes are all layed out or laid out and i ate enough breakfast to hole me over until the afternoon and i don't know if we'll be doing lunch and there is coffee and code red for my wake up and so i just might close my eyes for a few and if i fall asleep the alarm is set and all this babbling really isn't doing much other than releasing mental energy and i could use some extra mental energy for the interviews so i should rest the brain and body cuz after all i've got another softball game tonight and i don't want to be too tired to play well and i sure don't want to hurt myself so taking a brief power nap is probably a good idea so i am going to move to the recliner now and stop this typing thing i've got going on...
and then i sat back in the recliner and slept a little less than two hours and woke and dressed and went off to see the wizard... i mean, i went to the big important interviews... they went well... maybe i'll write more about them somewhere... later... i am gonna fall over now so i might survive the softball game coming up in three or so hours... i have missed babbling... have you missed the babbler?... the babbler misses you... i hope you are well and happy, but however you are, you are loved and missed and encouraged to let me know you live and breath... getting all missed-t eyed now, closing the eyes, going to bed, bump, ouch...
i think i'll wait until i am in bed before i close my eyes...
nite nite :)