no time for babble
this (or that last paragraph) should be the end of this entry since that would make sense and yet the fact is i am waiting for clothes to dry in the dryer so i have clothes to wear tomorrow when i go to work (did i mention i got the new job mentioned in the previous entry?... probably not until this parentheses, but if you are keeping track over in (e)thereal then you know all, or at least a lot about the new job and other fascinating and boring tid bits and big bites of information about this, that, and whatever too, but since i did not mention it here perhaps i should)... i got the new job, by the way... pay is more than i expected but less than market average (this is florida, after all, which means it is still the backwoods south when it comes to financial fairness and the professional world {why do you thing it is largely republican, after all... i've come to believe that many republican voters do not understand what republican leadership really wants from them, besides their vote, that is... good little surfs serving the royalty of the party... not that the democrats are much better, but they are fairer and generally more enlightened, and in case you wondered, politically i am a dissatisfied independent if a label must be applied... i think blind following of anyone or anything, political party included, is a very foolish shirking of responsibility, not to mention an unwise and relatively stupid choice most people make way too often in way too many ways, but everyone is free to be as irresponsible, unwise, and even stupid as they want to be... mostly... are we ready to close this parentheses now?)...
what job?... oh, that job... yup, i was hired, or given an offer and i accepted, to be more haughtily accurate about the position... the position is administrator... got me directors and managers and all sorts of folk calling me boss now (gotta talk southern talk, ya know y'all?)... seriously though, i am an ICF Administrator according the AHCA, if you understand the acronyms (is it just coincidence that acronyms contain the word crony?) and Director of Clusters according to the non-profit health services organization that hired me... Clusters refer to intermediate care facilities (clue: ICF) which are places where people who cannot care for themselves live and receive continuous 24 hour care, more intense than most nursing homes, not quite a hospital though some hospital wards have a lot less complicated patients than an ICF usually has... my ICFs are the highest level of care, full time nurses, full compliment of therapists of all kinds, medical consultants and more all at our disposal to provide live sustaining care to the people who live in the ICF... it is intense, emotionally challenging, and definitely not the place or profession for the weak of heart or the lazy (though some lazies do try it on for size and see how much goofing off they can get away with), that's for sure...
and the cat comes out of jackson's room to be petted again and get the scratching on the chin to check if this is still the place to be safe and secure and loved in the way a cat likes to be loved and i her bowl of food next to me on the couch because we still don't have a place for it to be safe from the dog and the coffee table made of glass king of freaks her out when she climbs upon it and looks through the glass... but then, she will learn it is safe here and we will find a way for her to eat comfortably even if it is not on a schedule like others use, even if it is when everyone is sleeping... she knows the wisely sleeping world does not have more laundry to do, after all...
anyway, i've taken another 24/7 gig and while it's gonna make life somewhat easier financially (far from easy, but hey, it's enough to support me and jackson and the kids {oh, have i piqued your curiosity?... well, you can meet the newest kid here, at least for starters and feel free to read on before and after that entry if you haven't been already} even though i am enabling more than i ought to and she should be paying her own way through life and it's one of those how do you help someone become more indepentent when they are dependent on you? kind of conundrums... and so am i buying a relationship or family again?... have i before?... probably, but that seems to be the way life has turned out for me with no biological ties and only very distant adoptive family and a desire to have a family and nurture and care for and help others... let me know when any of this becomes new for you and i might return to this parentheses) and stop the drain on the savings (which hit the red line just this month, coincidentally or on purpose... am i really so good at this game?... survived relatively comfortably this long, haven't i?... well, mostly... even after the toronto bump, mostly... parks and cars can be comfy, after all... where've you been?)...
they lie to you and you trust their faces
they suck you deep into their delusions
they rely on your fears and confusions
and you believe them when they say
they want to help you
or they love you
or hey
follow me to a better day
follow me to a better way
most people are blind to their rulers
most people are fools
what are you?
now wait just a minute now, this wouldn't be one of them darn conspiracy blogs, now would it?... so i turned off the tv and the madness disappeared, who'd have thought it was the sponsor's behind it for all these years... and the story just before the rhyme took us far away was something about comfort or maybe just word play... in the morning rather early, just a few hours away i must wake wide awake and refreshed to work all throughout the day and make decisions that affect lives and finances for many who rely on my good judgement and clarity of mind and not to mention, it helps to be able to focus my eyes... in other words, if i don't sleep, i may be just as mad as them, who's them?... the madmen in powerful places (i know this is not very zen, but do we really truly want to start all over again?)... as sleep, like waves, lap upon the beaches of every mind and resist as you might, so suddenly the tide rushes in...
but oh, there is so much more to tell you... like the blogger gremlins are making posting quite a frustrating process as i must, at times, click the publish button many times before a post will publish and the editing button takes even more presses, sometimes not working at all and just to open the posts list sometimes doesn't work or can take many clicks... all in all, blogger sucks lately, most of this year in fact... but that is one of the less meaningful things...
there are so many more deeper...
perhaps another time when there is time we can explain a little more about the rhyme and whatever this was about before and after what we do in this place of many words but for the moment it is late and i am feeling quite absurd and hearing something about tuppence or is that just for the birds?... some songs are such profound lullabies that a child so exposed can not help but be wise... give us your tired, your poor, your...
alas, there once was so much more time...