Offerings of Distraction
I really do not mean to be as distracted as I am in spite of the title and rhetoric and manic stublification of language in the edifice of calamity facing the hero in this monstrosity of word sick-puppetry, but if the shoe fits, feel free to wear it. Odor eaters are optional, but recommended if you are sockless. The current two-step blog system has been flowing along for almost a long time now, a year minus a several months, at least (as the year anniversary of the changes that shut down the last one approaches) and might explain some of what has been going on in RealTime(TM) if you have the time and care to explore further (you'd even find a whole lot less babble and a bit more cohesion in the communication if you are into such things). Life continues to challenge. Try not to let the aches and pains of being in a human body distract you from the distractions or whatever else you've come here for. I love you, even if you never respond.
In the big picture of human development and if you care about children, this is important, however I will not review, address, or even read it all at this time, no less click on the link. You might, and if you do, feel free to mention it and if you like, remind me of it's importance. For now, I shall continue tapping the keys because the mind is flooded with words and the words want out and if I ignore that, the words will not be happy and unhappy words will do all sorts of mischief and even damage to the strongest most sound mind. I know, I used to have one.
LOL, yes, LOL. LAM too.
So batten down the hatches and raise the sails, we are in for a trip of a lifetime (not really), perhaps a bumpy ride, but at the very least, a whole lotta babble going on. A kiss on the forehead for each reference you can identify in that previous sentence and any you identify beyond three just might get you something more. We can discuss the meaning of that particular something more when you get here.
If you missed it (the potential of the above video), or if you are still sleeping, you can journey through it many times again and never quite experience it the same way. That is the infinite possibility of this universe and life (and video) and each viewing is but one of the infinite pathways you can choose. Those who claim that life chooses you may be right, but then, right may be relative to the experience, the universe, and the sense of the beholder. You may actually choose life. All I ask it that you do not let the naysayers destroy your opportunity to experience everything. Your imagination can be guided, but it is your imagination and you can still set it free.
Or you could choose to you live in fear (warning... or just information... that link on the word fear is a completely politically bias tangent I will, at least for the moment, ignore even more than I did the link I called important at the start of this babbling aside {from life} even if there is a life of pure leisure in the future that allows infinite time enough for love, unless, of course, and the one wants to explore it with me... for now). If you do, I wish whatever peace you can create and hope you find a way out, for each moment devoted to fear is a moment lost in a void of confusion and misery. Challenge yourself to rise above it and return to the wonder of life you experienced when you were born.
The paths we choose may distract us from an initial purpose and there may be times that is counter-productive to our ultimate happiness, but many times those apparent distractions (like parenthetic asides) can lead us to so much more than we even imagined we could find to enhance our happiness and enrich our lives. For instance, in searching for inspiration and images or videos to insert into this babbling, I remembered that I had contacts in the offices where I will be interviewing for a job this week and I searched for the latest contact information so I can have more concrete connections and even name drop a bit if the opportunity arose. As I was searching I realized I could review typical interview questions and answers for this particular job so I could hone my interviewing skills and a little while later I felt wonderful about thinking about the interview because I feel much more prepared. That real-world subject was not on my mind when I started writing here, but now it is a happy organized thought stream flowing where some clutter was forming.
Then, although I was considering listening to more Imagine Dragons, I started listening to this.
Glancing around (and back), I realize there is already more than enough distraction and potential distraction (hint: links) in this entry to lead you astray in a myriad of ways and as usual, that is your choice. If you are the one, you want it all. Do come by at your earliest convenience if that is the case for I've been waiting for your arrival forever. Everyone else, well, I do hope you enjoy yourself, whatever path you choose. Hopefully you will stick with me here, or at least return, for there may be even more interesting things for you as you scroll through and read the rest.
I almost got sucked into politics when I wandered over to Facebook for a few dozen moments, but I think I narrowly escaped after listening to the first question and answers given during the second Presidential debate. The candidates had an opportunity to talk to an individual human being who asked a question. That was the format of the debate. Hillary said it was a good question. Donald did not refer to the question at all. Neither answered the question. In their response to a very specific question, they ignored the question. Disrespecting people is what they are both good at. Why people ignore that and support either one is an amazing sociological phenomenon I still do not completely understand. I don't think I really want to.
Back to music. Allowing the playlist to continue taking me wherever it will, when I pay attention and let it. Irony that Even of Destruction plays? The coincidences (or universal powers, depending on perspective and chosen beliefs) are often amusing and even exciting as Heart of Gold plays next. In my youth, this some seemed so sweetly sad and still very hopeful. Now, the getting old thought makes it even sadder, but the continued search lets me remain hopeful. Youtube is not winning me over by inserting commercials within the songs, however. How utterly repulsive.
See previous image.
Obviously the distraction of of touching Facebook, politics, and letting Youtube choose the playlist has diminished the wonder and excitement this entry might have been building to. I will do my best to remember the wisdom of serenity and although the state of this world and country is, in many ways, a constant distraction and sources of depressive moments, I shall let it go for now.
They might be saying the same about me
That is what we get when we are free
We can choose fighting or serenity
I'll stick with serenity.
Anyway, as hunger knocks on my consciousness, I wonder how New York ranked 54th in 'Diversity, Accessibility, & Quality' although I might see Orlando close to the top and am not too shocked it is #1 in that oddly mixed category. I have been in a reduce the weight phase lately (diet is what we eat, so using the word diet to describe a plan or pattern of eating to promote weight loss is misleading unless you do not want to be precise in your language which is ok for Madison Avenue and most of the humans lead blindly to death and destruction by the powers that be, but I just say no and you choose you're own poisons and I'll choose mine. Don't think twice, it's alright) so I am restricting most foods most people around here eat.
With a sigh.
Without knowing this before or many years ago when I was relocating, the top four five cities on the list and 7 of the top 12 were on my list of possibilities. The top two, #5, and #10 were on the short list. Obviously I am a foodie, though not a snob. While I adore fine cuisine and a myriad of sensual pleasures on my palette and taste buds, throw almost anything on a charcoal or wood-fired grill and I salivate.
Quite Pavlovian, I am.
It may be time for a pause. The trouble with pausing is that the laptop might die as it seems to have issues restarting whether that is from sleep, hibernate, or shut down and leaving it on all the time will certainly overheat it so I am taking it's life into my hands (and risking my wallet) when I step away.
Of course I could just sit here forever with the words and music and images and internet.
Everything, including music and songs and their meaning and message and presentation is a matter of perspective (that is Dolly Parton's 45 RPM record slowed to 33PRMs). Play 45 RPM records at 33 RPMs you ask? Yeah, it's a thing. While some attempts deserve to be skipped because they reveal the poor tonal quality and off-key singing of some artists, there are some really amusing and some really cool versions of songs on that playlist I just linked. I'd be into making mixes with variable speed these days like this if I had my turntables and 45s available to me. If they survived storage and I survive this latest life challenge and I get the means again, I will bring the stuff down from storage and treasure the experience of opening every box filled with wonder and excitement and memories and roller coasters of emotions and remember that I used to do this when I made mixed tapes with a variable speed turntable. Anybody remember mix tapes? Yeah, being older than dirt isn't always such a bad thing, aye? lol.
Oh yeah. we rolling now.
Actually, we paused and I emptied another box. The contents are on my bed and while I threw some things out, I still have stuff to put in a box while I continue to consolidate and make fewer boxes. At the moment I returned to the computer to more precisely calculate the size of storage I will likely need. While my rough guess was 5x15 or 10x10, it is likely 5x15 will not work as I have 3 foot boxes to stack along a wall and it would be challenging to get 3x boxes out with a 2 foot access hallway left by the wall of 3 foot boxes, but I can try. Anyway, I have not located my tape measure or I would have gotten this done sooner. I think Curly might have taken it with his stuff when he packed up some of his stuff. I realized I gave him two boxes of games that were probably worth a thousand dollars so with that and the garden stuff I gave him and the labor I've done for him, I more than paid rent for this space over the last six months so that feels good in many ways even if he is unappreciative and even not very nice at all these days (kick me when I'm down, will ya?).
The real world creeps in here every now and then, remember? :)
Considering the mattresses and recliner and TV, come to think of it, I might need 10x15 feet of storage space. Must do some serious shopping soon. About two weeks ago I asked a friend to share some info about local storage place prices because she works for a national chain, but she's been too busy to get the info to me so I must simply shop and choose.
I have six laptops in a box, the six laptops I've owned over the last twenty years not counting these last two that are on their last legs. Laptops seldom last more than a few years partly because of heat and partly because new operating systems push the hardware past their capabilities. Planned obsolescence. The greedy corporate capitalism controls almost everything we do in our lives, certainly everything in our material world. It is a crime against humanity perpetrated by humanity. They use our own stupidity and ingorance against us, not to mention prejudices. One point six percent of people in this country were actually slave owners before the Civil War and yet many, of not most black people see white people as a group as slave owners and most white people feel either guilt or a warped sense of superiority believing the distortion based on prejudice. Neither realizes that 98.4% of whites never owned a slave. Most whites were living in poverty until the 1950s when a few decades of fairness improved lives for many, but we are heading back to that higher level of poverty there was for most of this country's history again.
Poverty is relative though. Most people in this country have more money and material wealth than most of the people in other countries. Obscenely more than more than half the people on Earth. We close our eyes to the facts of life on this planet in order to keep doing what we do, which is destroy the planet for our own comforts and extravagances.
See what going on that dang Facebook does? Blah. It leads the mind to think of all sorts of depressing thoughts and downright turns me off people.
So what else is new?
Where is that positive perspective?
Do do do do... we need to do what we need to do to get us through to the dooby do or the scooby do or koo koo ka choo if you only knew what was really true one and one and two do do do do do, do do do do do... the fakeness surrounds us and smothers any chance at real honest sharing because the fakeness surrounds us and smothers any chance at real honest sharing because this loop seems to be the one everyone chooses. Sill there is always hope that we can find a friend who will not betray us in the end and who can actualize unconditional trust and share honest love... or bust.
Not you?
Well to each our own. Feel free to actually let me know in some way. The contact information is all over my web world and has been since the very beginning and still is just a click away . . . . . . 407-325-1482 . . . PO Box 162843 Altamonte Springs, FL 32716