feel free to answer, respond even, if you followed any of that or simply caught the question near the ent of the paragraph...
i have to be up in 4 hours to head into work to decorate the haunted hallway for the kids (one more time for the kids in the hospital, thank you harry) who are due through in just under 9 hours and i slept only two hours last night and played softball and hung out in the hot sun and ran around looking for halloween stuff for the kids and then for clothes for me to wear at the david sedaris show tonight that a dear beautiful friend is taking me to (one day maybe we'll have wild passionate sex and risk blowing the beautiful friendship, but until then lust is a playful tease in my mind and who knows what's going on in hers, but i may have digressed again) and then dinner with her and the show and home and some ncaa college football recruiting between weeks 7 and 8 (ea sports video game reference, in case you are getting more lost than you were before, cuz you know, it's in the game cha cha cha) and then catch up on a few emails and blog checking (dashboard, which brings us here) and writing five or so blog entries in five or so of the blogs (not counting this one) and then, there is now and we are here and i am remembering that i have to be up in 4 hours to head into work to decorate the haunted hallway for the kids (one more time for the kids in the hospital, thank you harry) who are due through in just under 9 hours and i slept only two hours last night and played softball and hung out in the hot sun and ran around looking for halloween stuff for the kids and then for clothes for me to wear at the david sedaris show tonight that a dear beautiful friend is taking me to (one day maybe we'll have wild passionate sex and risk blowing the beautiful friendship, but until then lust is a playful tease in my mind and who knows what's going on in hers, but i may have digressed again) and then dinner with her and the show and home and some ncaa college football recruiting between weeks 7 and 8 (ea sports video game reference, in case you are getting more lost than you were before, cuz you know, it's in the game cha cha cha) and then catch up on a few emails and blog checking (dashboard, which brings us here) and writing five or so blog entries in five or so of the blogs (not counting this one) and then, there is now and we are here and i am remembering that i have to be up in 4 hours to head into work to decorate the haunted hallway for the kids (one more time for the kids in the hospital, thank you harry) who are due through in just under 9 hours and i slept only two hours last night and played softball and hung out in the hot sun and ran around looking for halloween stuff for the kids and then for clothes for me to wear at the david sedaris show tonight that a dear beautiful friend is taking me to (one day maybe we'll have wild passionate sex and risk blowing the beautiful friendship, but until then lust is a playful tease in my mind and who knows what's going on in hers, but i may have digressed again) and then dinner with her and the show and home and some ncaa college football recruiting between weeks 7 and 8 (ea sports video game reference, in case you are getting more lost than you were before, cuz you know, it's in the game cha cha cha) and then catch up on a few emails and blog checking (dashboard, which brings us here) and writing five or so blog entries in five or so of the blogs (not counting this one) and then, there is now and we are here and i am remembering that i have to be up in 4 hours...
we seem to be in a loop...
are you laughing because you actually read through the loop, both loops, or laughing for some other reason... laughing at me is ok, but since i am laughing too i prefer it if you are laughing with me... that isn't always the case even if we are both laughing at the same time, simultaneously, even, but it is preferable nonetheless... if you are not laughing, you may be the most bored person on the planet or a glutten for literary punishment, in which case i will let you know when the doctor gets here and you can share my session...
this will conclude this excruciatingly brief update of the RealTime(TM) broadcasting system blah blah blah blah blah (you know the speech, fill in the blanks to make is most amusing and least blah for you)... i will be back when i find more time (and sleep, heck, i don't even make time to list all the label tags each entry ought to have anymore, but i still revere the words and intend to one day... there are no perfect people, only perfect intentions, ya know?) and until then, all babbling and joking and teasing and kidding aside and most seriously of all . . . thank you so much more than any words can say for being out there and for any interest in me you might have and even more, thank you even more for any caring you may feel...
i shall fall asleep smiling now, may you be smiling too :)
Labels: adoration, amazed, amused, appreciation, babble, caring, dreams, elsewhere, followers, honesty, hope, irreverence, lam, mtmm, patience, please?, respect, serious, sincerity, work