back so soon?
how insulting of me... or was it someone else?...
meanwhile, here in the babble-yard, we laugh at fear and mock paranoia, which means we laugh at most humans and mock many, but don't tell them because i just might get away with amusing them if i can get them to laugh at their delusions and those who are offended, well, we can just get straight-up vulgar and rely on the old faithful fuck 'em if they can't take a joke...
ah, there's nothing like the old standards, ya know?...
and what happens now is the last few or random entries from other places including the daily blog that is mostly supposed to be brief synopsises or rather synopses of the actual events experience in daily life in the physical world in real time (called (e)thereal, get it?) and you just might learn a little something about the babbler like did you know chocolate trinity by publix is my favorite commercial brand ice cream, maybe ever... it's all sweet, all chocolate, all delicious, yet still has four different chocolate flavours and if you know anything about chocolate you know it isn't easy to put four different chocolate flavours in the same dish and not have some taste conflicts...
on the other hand, i remember why i do not eat fast food for the first time in years (or maybe i was too lazy to wait for italian food or subs), but anyway, i think i was in the mood for a bacon cheeseburger and stopped by burger king and wendys and got a bacon cheeseburger at the first and a baconator junior at the second and thought i was getting one burger patty but got two and we wonder why american obesity is out of control?... the worst part is they both sucked... they were too dry and skimped on the bacon, i mean, i do not expect the fast food to look like the airbrushed commercials, but i do expect the juiciness to like up to the hype and oh yeah, the bacon to be present... and cheese, cheeseburgers should have cheese too... i understand the skimping, it's corporate american greed, after all, wave the flag - but each fast food restaurant has the equipment to serve tasty juicy burgers and why they have my dried out package waiting for me before i even drive around from the ordering speaker box is ridiculous... especially when they are not busy, but anytime... i wonder which came first, the customer who put speed ahead of taste or the company that puts speed ahead of quality...
am i ranting?... well, it's time for dessert, so heaven is right there in the freezer... next entry will probably be a bit more fun :)
and the next entry started off with a rainbow, but we'll skip it and go to the next entry after that and cuz it relates back like this...
just in case you missed the relatively mediocre rainbow photos (speaking strickly from a technical critical photo standpoint, i mean, no offense to the rainbow, it was pretty magnificent in the physical viewing, aka real world, but then, isn't that appro?)... ... i wonder, could appro be mistaken for a professional application or an application professional?... well, just in case, i mean appropriate... or apropos, which pretty much means the same in in french or something... anyway, hope you enjoy the photo... i would share the photos of the unicorns, but they wouldn't sign the release and i don't want a legal battle while i'm not working because lawyers are expensive, ok?...
meanwhile, on the taste bud front, do you have some sort of cream cheese seafood dip in your area that is absolutely irresistible if you love cream cheese and seafood but decadent as cream cheese and the several dozen other ingredients can be?...
seriously dude, look...
creepy, ya know?... but it tastes so dang good... it's a conspiracy, must be...
hope you are having fun too :)
no seriously, dude?... it was the south park influence, i promise... and when turn on the reactor becomes a laugh riot it must be past getting close to dawn and we've been up all night watching south park... but actually i just caught one episode in between other shows like futurama and flashpoint (figures canadian shows and shows about toronto are becoming popular... and soon i'll be watching for an old friend's kid on tv too rookie blue on abc, august 23rd at 10pm... and she's gonna be in a new show, cracked later this year or next year... as if that connection is not enough, it's a show so closely related to the my career that it's like the universe toying with my emptions or something, but that's another story for nyuk nyuk another time)...
or perhaps it is the most attention seeking dog in the world, the wonderful happiness who's favorite thing to do is sleep, followed closely by staring at me with eyes that say please given me food, attention, and/or a walk outside all the time... as wonderful as the loving old puppy is, he is awfully distracting when trying to focus on work or babble, even... but in spite of the power of happiness and incessant drone of the late night tv (which i thankfully turned off in favor of music and i wish i had a music player that made it easy to share a playlist, but i don't know of one at the moment - feel free to share if you do)... perhaps the wonder of technology can save us if we use it wisely...
for now, i think the babbler wants to wake up or something, i mean, dude, seriously, start the reactor, aye?...
ok, ok, i'm off to take a walk with happiness... back soon, probably :)