a weeks worth
George Carlin's dead.
no, no no, no, he's on the outside, looking in...
I still am waiting for him to pop up from a coffin on HBO with that mischievous grin and a sharp "gotcha"... i mean, he should have planned for that at least once cuz, well, that would be him... then he could do one more grand finale tour and call it 'life after death' and tell us all about it... see ya around, George... or even a little square... but logicians, atheists, and freethinkers (kind of an oxymoron in itself, aye?) will always love him (and so many more links to come, someday)...
yeah, so anyway, there are easily a weeks worth of blogs, posts, entries, rambles, and other such literary assaults and fodder for fools to fill in the spaces between this and the last entry and come they shall in due time, but for now i cross the 30 hour awake mark (and have work in two hours and softball practice after work and la dee dah, ain't i the bleary eyed fool once again tonight...
and so the king, is once again our guest...
yes, two showings of JC Superstar over the weekend... a baseball game and a Melissa Etheridge concert and all sorts of fun in between (not to mention work) and life and the babble just did not find time to upload itself... thanks for missing me, even if you never say so (and i suspect there are some readers here who have remained silent ever since my first days on the web (what?... i'm not worth secret admirers and silent stalkers?... of course i am, isn't everybody?)... yeah, whatever, and all that jazz...
maybe i';ll remember to tell you how ATT sucks another time...
i shall sleep two hours or so now and hopefully not die tomorrow because i still have a gotcha to plan out for myself... loosely threaded as the babbling may be, there are messages within the context of the massive missives and assorted words seemingly randomly scattered before your eyes...
take care of yourself, and remember, falling in love can prevent forest fires...
nite nite :)
Labels: advice, amused, ATT sucks, away, babble, bleary, blurry, crazy, death, duh, erreverence, lam, mtmm, muses, remembering, sleepdep, zoom
Getting into the groove
Remember Woodsy the Owl? "Give a hoot, don't pollute".
I wonder if Smokey Bear ever fell in love. Was there a Mrs. Smokey Bear? I don't remember.
Life in my dreams is fascinating these days. Did you ever notice when you actually do sleep that sleep is kind of fun?
Lately I'm naked in a lot of public places. Conventionally I suppose that means I'm expressing feelings of being exposed or vulnerable or whatever, but I do wake up very amused to recall becoming aware of nakedness in a variety of settings...movie theater, shopping mall, a ship ... recurring themes in dreams are kinda interesting, huh? Like the other one I have every now and then about losing all my teeth. Why did I start talking about dreaming again? I forget.
Anyway, I hope you can manage to find yourself some sleep and dream some magical dreams of the love of your lifetimes.
And now, brought to you by the letter z, in memory of G. Carlin,
hugs :)
Oh wow, there's the long lost letter Q!!!
*waves at Q and sends hugs :)
carlin is no atheist, even tho i'm sure they would love to use him for marketing their intellectual brains into glittering gold dust...
"I've begun worshipping the Sun for a number of reasons. First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the Sun. It's there for me every day. And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, a lovely day. There's no mystery, no one asks for money, I don't have to dress up, and there's no boring pageantry. And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to God are all answered at about the same 50-percent rate.
-- George Carlin, Brain Droppings
this one shows he understands who he needs to thank for the opportunity of experiencing a carbon based life form existence.
I don't have any beliefs or allegiances. I don't believe in this country, I don't believe in religion, or a god, and I don't believe in all these man-made institutional ideas.
-- George Carlin, quoted from Reuters / Variety "Notable Quotes" for April 25, 2001
this one shows he's not attached to the experience, thus he's by definition a free being.
one day when q9 understands the comparison between a brain and a computer has so much to do with freedom as fast has to do with snails, he too will be on his way back home.
sleep will come soon, maybe almost six hours... i love you... thank you... i love sleep... thank you... i love sleep deprivation... thank you... i love george carlin... thank you... wonderfulness to see you, certainly a thrill, better yet i love you, and i always will...
nite nite :)
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