and so it goes again
speaking of other moods and moments (and minds, even), you can find a whole lot more beginnings and middles and even some currents linked here and even more here if you are interested and have the time, but back to the moments at hand here in this blog you are reading, you can understand today better if you clicked again and again and again and again (in their proper order before actually finding and reading this entry) especially if this is the first stop in this blog today (or ever) cuz this is the fifth in this particular writing/babbling session...
anyway, continuing from the previous entries, the scan finally completed and 1,073,187 files were scanned... i wonder if any files were not scanned... and there were no threats found... now where is that spybot... ah, i uninstaqlled it for some reason.... perhaps it was not getting along with kaspersky or something or interferring with browsing somehow... maybe it was preventing me from netowrking with my work server which will mean it will be removed again over this weekend because i need to do some work over this weekend... but for now i am connecting this laptop to the net again and installing spybot to do it's thing... of course the moment i connect kaspersky demands bandwidth to update itself, the bandwidth pig... and somehow kaspersky is denying itself the right to update which can only end badly and take even more of my time... kaspersky may be gone when it's license runs out... so i'll just ignore it until it screams and turns yellow or red and start the 23 important windows updates which will force me to restart the computer several times and hopefully that will happen without incident...
meanwhile, i opened the patio door and the kitchen window to get some air circulating so i don't die from bug spray fumes and it is warmer and more humid than i'd like outside so the air conditioner is compensating by working harder cuz the door and window are open but it's still warmer and more humid than i'd like in here... alas, comfort might be more attainable if i was sitting and not moving around as much as i am doing, but i am burning more calories so perhaps i will drink something cold and splash water on the body... there is good news to report as the kaspersky finally did update so it wasn't the software that was stupid but rather the server slow in providing the update... and then again, perhaps it is brighthouse sucking as the windows updates do not seem to be downloading... so like so many other things the manufacturers of software do on this computer i am supposed to own, i will ignore the intrusion and hope for the best... yes microsoft, you suck with these way too time consuming and intrusive updates...
the world is getting wonky, or is that me... yes, as we approach sunrise after standing and moving around most of the night, fatigue spreads throughout the body and creeps into the brain so while the mind continues rambling along (as you might notice if i continue writing), the coherency might wane a bit (or more) and clarity may be beyond your comprehension (which is a sign of fatigue, madness, or genius and we know i can experience and exhibit all three, so hopefully that is as fun for you as it is for me)... and i am noticing that the laptop is quite warm so the fan may be clogged or not working well for some reason and so i need to locate the fan i use during the summer months to keep the laptop (and my lap) cooler and i may need to buy a new one if i don't find time and motivation to dig through the few dozen boxes after the wrist feels better... on the computer front, the windows updates finally downloaded and are now installing... hopefully the process will not take too long and will not interrupt my use of my computer...
it is time for sleep as the eyes are closing and the head is heavy, but the windows update is still installing updates and it is only up to number 6 out of 23 updates it wants to install... so while we are waiting perhaps you will answer a few questions or better even, find the one who should be answering these questions and let her know these questions are here waiting for her... thanks in advance for your assistance in single handedly (or as a group) changing my life by helping to make my dreams come true...
would you life to share it with me?
what is the word mean, to become a wife?
can we be together and still be free
i want to be free in my heart and my mind
to explore the infinite possibilities
to accept anything that we might find
will you share such a journey through time with me?
we don't need to be like anybody else
i want you to be yourself completely
leave the books of judgment on someone else's shelf
don't be weighed down by conformity
fear is a friend not a wall or a chain
i don't want it to get in our way
trust is the magic to ending all pain
can we start trusting today?
will you share unconditional trust with me?
ok, sleep now dear dream with hope we will wake and come true...
narf :)