it's so easy...
I've been browsing more sites at myspace and coming across the vegetarian and Vegan philosophy more often of late (because I choose to follow the path and stay at those sites longer, of course) and it's playing havoc with my current habits... I've got to remember that when I feel perturbed about waste, abuse, laziness, self-destruction, or making excuses that it is me I am perturbed at and not those around me...
granted, my habits often level off in synch with those closest to me, but that is my choice, to be a personality and lifestyle chameleon... I just happen to have a couple of seriously lazy grossly wasteful fast-food meat-eating roommates who rarely clean up after themselves at the moment... and today a few minor head-butts reminded me that I am not following my natural habits and haven't been for years...
so I allowed myself to be talked into driving to Taco Bell with visions of a fast-food high in my mind and Precious pushed a few buttons which basically reminded me of how entrenched in her lifestyle I am and how I basically cater to it and I got angry so I bought nothing and came home and went to the gym...
and now I write this to remind myself... falling into other people's bad habits is not their fault, nor is empowering others to expect you to cater to their bad habits... and I am lying to myself when I say (through actions) I like their habits better than my own... so I feel stupid, and yet, great that even after all these years of living with and imitating humans, I still remember me...
I don't expect any sort of drastic change, however I am opening up more and more to wanting to share other, healthier lifestyles and I would welcome spending much more time with and living with someone more active and healthier again...
and that little voice of wisdom in the back of my mind is giggling as I realize one reason I am not in an intimate relationship these days is that I find healthy, active Vegans, vegetatarians, and almost vegetarians most attractive and Orlando is such a lazy meat-eating town... especially in the realistic age bracket for an intimate relationship (and I detest accepting ageism and calling it realistic, but that's an old rant that gets us nowhere in this world cuz it's like telling a person with eyes to look over here)...
anyway, this little epiphany has been brought to you by good sense (or me, depending on your perspective)... I am hoping to find new friends in the area... anybody who understands and does not feel offended by my trying to avoid a normal human lazy, slovenly, wasteful, suicidal lifestyle is welcome to apply...
especially if you are smiling seriously now...
You make an excellent point about those we choose to surround ourselves with and how so quietly those habits can rub off on us when it comes to diet, exercise, or any number of other things. Like anything else, developing a habit requires time, commitment and motivation...all of which are easier when you feel that those around you are doing the same. When I got back to exercising, and cleaned up my diet (though still not strictly vegetarian), like you I realized it was my choice to allow the habits of others to influence was certainly not their fault. So let me just add a word of encouragement (for whatever that is worth) to your desire to do those wonderfully nurturing things for your own body and for your own life.
"falling into other people's bad habits is not their fault, nor is empowering others to expect you to cater to their bad habits..."
It's inbuilt into us from parent's preferences, to sibblings likes dislikes to peer pressure, to giving in to offspring's demands
But it's only their fault if they force it down your neck or throat, like some parents might.
The getting drunk, drinking too much beer or coffee, eating too much whatever or smoking, are all 'our' choices - no good blaming advertising either. lol!
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