back in a moment
the words in the parentheses are brought to you by Mecca who, in tribute to her pending year overseas, will for a while at least be known as Meka and we all wonder, have we seen the last of her rusty tears?...
Meka Nism is a girl who loves to scream... in her spare time, she writes scary music and sings beautifully, between screams, of course... it's an eerie beauty and if you have one wish left in life, it should be to see Meka perform Jewel's You Were Meant For Me because no one can give a better psychotic performance of the song (as it was meant to be sung, after all, I mean, have you ever really listened to the words?... with just a little help it could be the theme song for Fatal Attraction: Jason Falls In Love if you see what I mean)...
anyway, that's where I was tonight (you see why they shouldn't let me out much on my own during the week now, don't you?... I am much less apt to fly off the deep end with an adorable seventeen year old chaperone or few... it's a proven fact, really... and they think I'm chaperoning them?... lucky they aren't interested in, oh, nevermind)...
definitely too much fun for a work night...
see ya tomorrow J
Labels: babble, brief, concerts, dreams, energy, giggles, jig, local, love, music, party, seg, smirk, work, wow, yay
Hugs back to you, because it's always time for hugs :)
i would like you to data mine your blogs and tell me what you had for dinner on jan 17, 2oo1. or breakfast. breakfast would do as well. also let me know where you were between 4pm - 7pm orlando standard time. put your blogs to some good use now, will ya? this is a forensic investigation, don't obstruct z?tl justice, be a good citizen within teh context and tell agent z0tl the truth, the whole truth, & nuttin but z-truth!
falling asleep before blogging tonight... heck, there's an entry for that date, most likely, but sleep is in the way at this end...
when I wake up maybe I'll understand more :)
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