sarcastic irreverent seriousness syndrome is in effect...
meanwhile, as the disclaimer says, The Superficial is a celebrity gossip site which publishes rumors and conjecture in addition to accurately reported facts. Information on this site may or may not be true and The Superficial makes no warranty as to the validity of any claims.
but they so lured me there with photos of jessica alba's beautiful bottom which ranks right up there with pheobe cates' for bottom lovers... yes, pure purile interests do still reside in the brain between the ears attacvhed to the head above the body i very loosely call mine...
just like the state of Maine voting for legalizing marijuana and againsdt gay marriage... homophobia lives even where pot is ok... humans are ridiculous... i support the gay right to choose cuz it's right, even though personally i'll take jessica's over any guy's butt...
what?... cat's got your tongue?... what's purile mean, anyway?... you don't know what's wrong?... well, when was the last time you masturbated?... that might be it...
anyway, with all of the links i've forgotten to include here, i could spend days exploring the web from right here on one of my own pages like this one or right over there on the right sidebar right here in realtime, after all... and what do i need?... days?... weeks, at least... after catching up on sleep (still hope to do that before this body dies, but then, i am a dreamer lost in a world of my own creation, a world woven of links, after all... narf)...
isn't that special...
somewhere i wrote:
not that i came up with the answer to the question which came first, the chicken or the egg?, nor did i find the answer to the question why did the chicken cross the road?, but i can, with a modicum of certainty, conclude that the road came first*...
accepting the road as the path travelled, any path, that is, and further accepting that the road, being the path is there whether travelled or not, therefore, reasoning deductively, the road came first cuz it was there all along...
revelations come like that, suddenly with no apparent connection to anything, perhaps not even making any sense outside of the mind that declares the thought a revelation, but still with the certainty and clarity that rises above the assurances and understanding of the previous moment...
so it was when i first decided that Mathew 20:16 should be on one of my multitude of irreverently serious t-shirts that pretend to be random and relatively meaningless while actually presenting a acutely profound and carefully intended message...
of course i'll never confirm or deny the truth or pretense in the previous declaration, but it is there for posterity to ponder amidst the preponderence of evidence to and fro the contrary... hmmmm, fro the contrary, now that's a t-shirt statement that raises an eyebrow, at least at the moment...
not as if you want to be with me or anything, aye?...
so anyway, the power of words, from the poet poe's poe-ish poem of the same refrain or the irraceable house's epic ode to conformity and misery (the two tenets of the human condition) which was so wrong about halfway through on so many levels that it almost irritated me mostly because i like the show (mostly because i love problem solving, medicine, and the possibility that humans could not possibly understand me if they were given the opportunity), but also because it does not make logicaly psychiatric sense all the way through and because the actor chosen to be house's doctor is the same actor who plays an incompetently selfish power-hungry psychiatrist on another show, so that taints his ability to convince me to trust him and if you do not trust your doctor, or wait, that is the point he is trying to make and it is possible that the flaw is in the writers who created the shallowness of the other character that influences my accepting him as an actor in a different role in this other television show but, omigosh go figure, it's fiction, isn't it?...
the power of words?...
yes, so, we might as well accept the fates and fortunes of random commercials on between fictitious tv shows being messages from god or whatever powers might be beyond our daily consciousnesses in this life, or the sensibility of a small green gecko as the most likely character to present us with good advice when presented with his boss or colleague's absence of intelligence as evidence that we should trust the company, which is some sort of oxymoron, or at least a contradictory conceptual presentation, perhaps...
but what was the point, the chicken?... the road?... the egg?... Mathew 20:16?... an idea?... what if i said...
i'll be last.
Labels: amused, appauled, babble, erreverence, huh?, irony, lam, mtmm, realization, semi-philosophy, sleepdep, smirk, wwbs, wwjs
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