Memorial Day and other thoughts
I find no interest or enthusiasm for the generally accepted human concepts of war and fighting for honor and glory and national pride as it exists in this world... perhaps that is because I know that behind the flag waving and noble facade, seeing that it essentially stems from greed and a desire for power over people and wealth and ownership of property... perhaps people truly want to believe in the ideals...
perhaps that, the ideals, are what they think of as they cheer the supposed victories and rally in frenzied crowds against some far off enemy that they are told threatens their way of life... but as I see it, too often - what it all comes down to is macho posturing, guilt trips, peer pressure, and the few in power using ignorance and fear to manipulate and oppress all of us...
I respect the memorial to those who died for something they did not understand...
I do not respect the ignorance they chose that lead them to their deaths... the same ignorance that would condemn anyone for standing up on this holiday and suggesting that the soldiers are wrong for choosing to follow orders that are inhumane and corrupt... the same ignorance that would turn violent against anyone marching for peace or putting a flower in the barrel of a gun... the same ignorance that shot and killed American students standing on the campus of their university right here in the land of the free...
I cringe at the sound of Sousa... I shudder at the vision of parades... I shed a tear hearing the words bombs bursting in air and joyous cheering in the same breaths... perhaps it is because I am all too aware of how close to the lynch mob mentality we still are as a species... how blind faith and outrageous ignorance still guides most of our lives and decisions in this world...
I believe you understand what I mean and I do not take exception with your words today... I may be viewed as disrespectful, perhaps wringing some rain from the clouds on the parades passing by... but you inspired me inspired to think and to feel about this holiday... you inspire me to write some words to humanity...
most years I remain silent, perhaps practicing the same foolish game that is so acceptable in our culture, keeping my head in the sand and not saying or writing what I feel... practicing the same bling faith and outrageous ignorance I so easily condemn right now...
I am the fool too...
but if there is truly hope for our species, then I must believe that every one of us can wake from our numb stupors, rise from the deaf, dumb, and blind games we play daily, and stand up for what we truly believe in... not for some piece of cloth that represents some abstract ideas we fail to understand or live up to... not for some holy words or treatise claiming ownership or righteousness for one while condemning all others... not for some hypocritical leadership that would spill our blood to further their own greed... but when we stand up for what we know is right in our hearts...
for peace... for love... for kindness...
if ten men throw stones at me from the other side of the river, I will not condemn all those who live on the other side of the river...
I will stand up and work to change what is truly threatening freedom and peace in this world... the ignorance right here at home is the biggest threat... the fear and those who would use fear against us, that is the greatest threat...
I think of how much we could change our educational system in America by pouring a billion dollars a day into our children's schools and community centers...
I think of how much we could defend and preserve our freedoms and integrity by pouring a billion dollars a day into industry that enhances our environment and returns wealth to our land and lives...
I think of how much we could improve the security of the American family by pouring a billion dollars a day into rebuilding homes and hospitals in American cities and towns...
I think of how much we can demonstrate to the world the real power and glory of love and freedom by actually living it, doing it in our daily lives as individuals and as a unified people...
instead, while our cities continue to crumble, our educational systems continue to deteriorate, our industry continues to destroy the planet, our communities and families continue to dissolve, and people continue to feel more alienated and abandoned and helpless and afraid, we pour billions of dollars a day into bullets and bombs and companies supposedly rebuilding a country ten thousand miles away, and for what?... to teach them a lesson?... to save them from themselves?... to protect our way of life?...
where are those billions of dollars a day really going?...
can we see the receipts?...
we are told to come together to remember those who have died fighting to protect us... and we do, for those who died deserve to be remembered... their lives matter, even if they died in vain for lies... even if they died for corrupt systems run by detached old men... we hope they believed they died for a dream and those who died for a dream matter more than we know, perhaps more than we deserve for the little we sacrifice or support them, really...
so I hold my head up today and celebrate the dream and memorialize their lives not for the flags or parades or speeches or political power plays that usually dominate the memorial holidays... I celebrate their lives and the dream because we are still sleeping and not living it... I celebrate the dream because it is worth dying for, but more, because it is worth living for...
I celebrate the freedom to say this to you today... to tell you that I have a dream and hope that no bullets can stop it, no ignorance can weaken it, no lies can change it, and no fear can hold it down forever...
I celebrate the hope that you will wake with me and start living the dream...
and for all those who died in wars, whether fighting for truths or lies, whether marching for victory or peace, whether feeling or preaching hate or love, whether with heads in the sand or in the clouds, so that their deaths are not in vain, so that their lives would be truly memorialized - I hold their memories up like candles in the wind to light the darkness and hope they and you and all who knew them find and create peace and love in this world...
Labels: comments, elsewhere, history, holidays, Ideas For Industry, life, muses, politics, quasi-science, semi-philosophy, sociology
"I think of how much we could improve the security of the American family by pouring a billion dollars a day into rebuilding homes and hospitals in American cities and towns... "
How true, the only way to build security is by making life better for all - conflict (and hate) thrives on one side wanting it All.
It is the story of man, since the year dot it seems. Poverty & War is not the natural order of things.
It is a 'conscious' choice made by a greedy few. It is the History of Man.
thank you for reading this and responding :)
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