almost brief, but missed
meanwhile, in other worlds, this month the SSA Music Awards were given out by a local promoter (i've mentioned Phil before… he also does extreme baseball, the one with two sets of bases and two pitchers pitching to two batters simultaneously, but that's just cuz he's crazy like me… actually, he's a very quite kinda shy dude in real life, but can be fun to hang with when he's awake) and Logan Belle beat out Amy Steinberg (my favorite local) and others and i must admit, one song had music and lyrics that moved into my head…
and one of you dear people inspired me to ponder time (who said uh-oh?) as i do from time to time and i found these brief thoughts… I play with time, mock it, tease it, manipulate it, and otherwise have fun with it as if i have some control over it simply because i can put a date and time on an entry or something... time is relatively meaningless to me most of the time… it is easier to appreciate the moment when you are not paying attention to time... and after a while, perhaps you will understand that real life is my fantasy... in fact, i believe real life is fantasy or illusion and sharing mutual fantasy/illusion is the real life i dream of :)
yeah, well, it makes sense to me :)
even without the smirks…
meanwhile, back to lust...
another dear reader, who shall also remain nameless just cuz i feel like pretending to be secretive cuz it's fun even though you can find out who inspired what by finding the original comments, seduced me into pondering the words lust and a multitude of definitions came to mind... libido has a few, mostly involving physical passions, drooling, and wet dreams... but relating to this weekend more viscerally, musical lust is a different animal altogether... and while a musical lust that tickles libido's fancy is wonderful, in most cases the musical lust rises above the erection, so to speak... i believe this came up while pondering kawehi who i called my current lust interest in a recent entry, though i was referring to another when i mentioned girlfriend, like in the new Say Anything song, but just because someone seeks psychiatric help does not mean he's crazy…
and as is often the case, a babbling mid-weekend entry rambles to and fro and where for art thought cohesion or linear meaning, forsaken for all obvious eyes and hoping for the unique pair that sees through it all to the core of me (is it still in there?)… is it any wonder why so few readers stick around past the first few visits, no less fine something to say after reading… better to just come and say hello or leave a smiley face without reading the words, distracting as they may be… but no worries, there is some way out of here and you need no joker nor thief, really…
in spite of the time stamp, the sun also rises and i would benefit from a modicum of sleep now, REM sleep would be wonderful as i've not been there in days, at least,, which is a sure temptation for psychosis, but so far, nobody's been killed or even maimed… it has been a wonderful party, in spite of it's apparent safety… after two nights of concerts near and far and long drives, we come to a day of college football followed by an evening of Neil Simon's Rumors in which Precious's best friend played Lenny and did a wonderful job of the part, especially the long monologue in act II, followed by Chinese food and more college football…
and since i hope to be awake to attend some sort of meetup of philosophers and freethinkers where we will explore making fun things out of stem cells (or playdoh, or something like that) in a few hours, i shall upload this entry and mention the previous one was not there only moment ago, just in case you are one of those like me who like to catch up cuz you don't want to miss a thing (like Aerosmith, yeah), and turn my eyes off and see if my mind will allow some sleep to happen in it…
i'm gonna need a vacation from all this fun…
nite nite :)
Labels: amused, babble, blurry, briefish, egmo, energy, food, football, giggle, high, hope, lam, mtmm, muses, music, sleepdep, smile, smirk, sunrise
i am happily dazed and confused now about lust, and so glad that you aren't merely reducing it to a mere erection, which would be oh so much more boring than the ponderings and babblings. I think lust must be something deeper than just physical response, at least I hope it is. It is a good word, really, sort of a word begging to be pondered in more complexity (at least at times), but that can also mean just pure simplicity of want in the moment and nothing more.
Anyway, fair Sunday to you. I'm eating candy and feeling loopy...can you tell?
love and smooches (cuz a smooch is another word worth pondering) :)
fatigue overrode any real in depth exploration of lust in this entry, but the primary point seems to have made it across the words... libido (physical) lust adds a wondrous layer to the lust experience, but the primary core of lust is ethereal, even in the physical sex world it is called chemistry, which is ironically more accurate than it may have been intended to be...
still is sweet to have all the lust brain cells turned on and firing at once though... that happened to me once (and he sighs and drifts off into dreamland singing once in love with amy once again :)
thought I would pass this on to you :)
I love the song, "Slow me Down"
This is what she says on her website about the song, "Slow me Down"
"It took about 3 days of singing as its over 100 tracks of only my voice. There is no synth or voice duplicating software used to create the sound. We did it entirely organically, using many vocal layers and harmonies to create the texture. It was important to me that the "sound" we created be "real" and not computer generated and that it supported the story and feeling behind the lyrics - the rush and pace of the world and the need to find love."
yeah yay, i want her... send her over please :)
Sometimes a smile is all there is to "say" ... and I enjoy Your paintings with words!
(( hug ))
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