and the ch-ch-ch-changes
this is why i so seldom watch or listen to or read the news... it's worse than the soap operas... so much supposition and inflammatory drama, so little fact or revlevant information... and around here, add a huge amount of local favoritism, arrogant flippant smirky moral judgment... kind of like the president, which justifies it for the ignorant, i suppose...
meanwhile, back to life as i know it...
so in spite of the distraction of Evie and V, i did mention that work was busy... yes, very busy, but productive and i sense i am continuing up the hill of earning respect and trust so i can do more of what i do... and then there's the fun outside of work... the calendar tells you most of what i've been doing and i forget where i left off, but the highlight of last week was jumping out of a plane at 15,000 feet and free falling for about 10,000 feet and then riding the parachute (which is it more like a parasail chute as it was rectangular and much more maneuverable than a round chute, I think)... i also saw The Dark Night in IMAX, which was sit-down fun... and we finally got a softball game played after four or five rain-outs in a row... unfortunately, our weaknesses showed so we are now 1-1... somehow i recall writing this somewhere already... anyway, that pretty much was the week that was...
except for all the stuff i forgot and left out...
certainly what we can surmise from all this is that the writing bug is somewhat sleeping... not exterminated, but definitely somewhat dormant... maybe in a cocoon or something... heading for a metamorphosis?... well, talk of starting a new writing place has crept into my babbling and i recall two titles were mentioned, though i forget what they were at the moment... motivation has grown sluggish, if such a verb-adverb combination makes any sense...
i think it's mostly habit and distraction... more specifically, the habit of allowing distraction to distract me when i am home... probably cuz i am so rarely home, like this is the first time i've spent a full saturday home in many weeks, or months... and then, there are the usual home environment energies that are so far from where mine flow... and ironically, even with all of the people i am meeting through meetup, i've yet to truly connect with any through my languages, music and words, but then, it is rare i find anyone anywhere near my energy level, even as subdued and repressed as i am these days... hark, flashback squashed again (narf)...
so tonight i finally hear from Rasputin that we shall part ways in a bit over a month, which means i've got four weeks to find another place to live... this could be challenging what with the demand for housing in August due to students flooding the area, but that's life, rarely convenient and seldom well planned... so i started my roommate and/or apartment search tonight and hope that i find the right person and/or place will keep me afloat... the starting over starts here...
i suppose i should sleep a bit as i am due to wander around Islands of Adventure tomorrow and the actual time is well past 4am... definitely not the best time to purchase the annual pass i intended to purchase tomorrow, but then, if i live long enough to retire, there's always the soup kitchens and public rest rooms :)
nite nite my dear friends, and remember, life is what we make it - so make it good :)
Labels: alas, challenge, changes, home, hope, huh?, karma, loneli, missing, mtmm, patience, roommates
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