in retrograd (1111.1)
so in keeping with this or that or the other thing, i bring you a few words written to someone sometimes somewhere that may or may not have been posted here or there or anywhere some time and be that as it may or may not be, it is here now for your edifications and pleasures or whatever…
I love your mind, and the rest of my comment will just have to pop up on my blog since it wouldn't fit here... impromptu and random, it probably doesn't deserve blog space, but then, who am i to judge myself (now there we have a fascinating conundrum that would be fun to explore - not unrelated to your blog post here either... judging whether judging self has any value could be an amusing loop, but that's beside the point, whatever the point may be or have been or will be, for that matter, whatever the matter may be or have been or will be, after all)...
meanwhile, somewhere on the train of thought (chuga-chuga chuga-chuga), humans seem to love to judge each other and pretend they are better than others, i think it stems from a deep insecurity and collective immaturity as a species, but then, who am i to talk, i may yet find out i really am one, but that's another story... see the sidebar for more clues as to whatever that might be, or has been, or will be, and so on…
in our story so far, for a few centuries the white humans dominated the world with what we've called progress (renaissance, industrial revolution, bomb-making, genocide, all the big macho shows of force and power and foolish attempts at controlling nature and everyone, including most other white humans, you know, the europ-peons known as surfs {did someone say hicks or white trash?... oh the meaningful analysis of the meaninglessness of it all as history repeats itself and everyone else over and over, but we digress, again} when Europe was strutting it's biggest stuff some centuries ago)... anyway, that pretense of domination may have branded itself in a lot of white human psyches (may have?) and like most addictions (you know, power trips set off all sort of addictive drugs in many human brains), it's a hard habit to break..."Cultural re-hab often comes as a revolution" ~ Candor
. o O ( swoosh, right over their heads, no doubt ) O o .
. o O ( but continuing aanyway ) O o .
. o O (as if the winds of enlightenment never blew ) O o .
and like any real change in human culture, it starts with enough individuals making the decision to act differently, to do something in their own lives to change the way things are, and then actually doing it (that's the point)...
you write words that inspire such change... i hope your thoughts become a movement, a collective change, a revolution in thinking that brings actual behavioral changes...
because you make sense...
thanks for writing, thinking, and being :)
yeah, motivational and inspiring and maybe even a sweet seduction of the mind and who knows, might have even been stretched into a libido fantasy on the right night, but while wondering what words were being praised above, i realize that so much becomes whatever when left to be found at some later date, like this one, without remembering the source or anything much about anything… and maybe posterity will find a work of art and maybe nothing and like songs or visuals and such that are found without explanation, fossils, even, you are free to create the story behind the story as you wish…
may you make it good :)
Labels: adoration, advice, aye?, blogs, choices, emo, hope, human, imprint, inspirations, lam, mtmm, patience, perspective, ponder, psych, semi-philosophy, smile
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