and before I find the remote to turn off the TV, in they walk with McDonalds and Pepsi... I know I mentioned that I am fasting and they were around when I ate the salad Sunday, but heck, these are their habits and I don't expect them to consider helping me for the first few days of my attempt to change mine... s'ok, I enjoy a challenge (but sure wouldn't mind a partner either)...
I record this because I love them and don't want to forget it... maybe they'll read and consider getting healthier... and also, in case there are any prospective future roommates or life partners out there, we'll be much more compatible if you pick up after yourself and have a healthy lifestyle... and if there are any potential intimates out there, forget it if you don't...
but that doesn't mean I won't love you J
Precious is bummed... the dress she waited until the last minute to buy (one of her most consistent habits is to wait for the last minute for everything) just came in the mail today (that was the package) and it doesn't fit... Homecoming is in three days, no time to return and exchange, and Rasputin doesn't have money or room on his credit card for another dress, so she may have to wear one of the other dresses she wore only once last year... I know, different dance, different dress, the song of the spoiled American teenager... the dress is beautiful though...
I offered to lay out money a few times, but he's too zoned into the TV to hear me... when i finally got his attention he wasn't too receptive... it was then that I remembered Rasputin borrowed $600 just before his vacation in July... I wonder if he remembers... I'll bring it up when he's less stressed about money... and not watching TV... the irony is he makes almost twice what I make... habits will out...
meanwhile, after drinking 40 ounces of water, the scale said 117... I definitely felt the fatigue of no food except a salad about 48 hours ago and not quite optimal sleep, but the lower weight almost compensated... deep breath... yay...
so tonight will be shower then get lost in some TV then head to work... three more nights, then the lifestyle kinda changes drastically (day shift)...
are we having fun yet? J
More deep breaths, more yays, more hugs, more encouragement, more focus, you can do it!!!!!!!
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