R & R & irreverence
my hamstring and calf are still sore... yes, that was one heckova cramp, strained the muscles for sure, but I don't think they are pulled...
not much babbling this weekend... maybe I'm just waiting for the fans at myspace (I've got more than 1600 now and they keep coming... it's like somebody put out a sign pointing them to my myspace... weird and egocentric and amusing all at once) and diaryland to scream and beg for more... they just don't throw underwear up on the stage like they used to, ya know?...
ah, but this every day blog remains the secret all those superficial fans don't take the time to know about... it's our little secret... isn't that special?... I'm almost excited to think somebody might stumble on in here at any moment and add his or herself to our little party... I promise he or she will only be a favorite for a few moments... you know how fickle I am... and you'll be sure to tell him or her, please, so they don't run away, right?... heck, we might even have some silent readers lurking about giggling at me right now... don't get all paranoid now (or as Kevin would say, don't be scared now... you know the movie, don't you?...
I love you, even when I am in these odd sort of irreverent moods... and I shall keep this daily report of life offline in, you know, RealTime™, going as long as I humanly can... even after my ever expanding messages in bottles in search of the one finally brings the one to my side...
that reminds me that I once titled one of my journals In Search Of Eros... one of hundreds boxed and stored about forty miles north of Niagara Falls (slowly I turn)... I wonder if I'll ever unpack, reminisce, and share all that stuff again...
in RealTime™, I mean...
so TV and food (of course, gotta eat... especially when lounging around... I am trying to be American, after all)... and web browsing and messaging at myspace... no drama today, just smiley happy people... and not just the REM kind... or was that Supertramp?... naaa, REM... sheesh, my musical memory is slipping... quick, before I forget, I know it sounds absurd, please tell me who I am... must have been that stroke I suffered at the concert last night...
hopefully you are laughing with me, or perhaps I really am losing my mind... then I'd have two essential things to be searching for... I'd probably still go chasing after the one first... perhaps that's proof I already lost it (my mind) a long time ago...
and so in conclusion, ask not what your blog can do for you, as what you can do for your blog... yeah, this is what happens sometimes when there's not a lot going on and I haven't babbled anywhere else...
you love me, even when I am in these odd sort of irreverent moods, right?... I'm gonna go now, cuz it would be reasonably sensible to start the week off with ay least five hours sleep... yes, the ate stamp is stuck on when I opened this blog window... that was three hours ago... I've been wandering around the web... I am a wanderer, after all... that is one of my web names, though it's used mostly in the fantasy sports arena... that reminds me, I haven't checked my fantasy sports teams since last year... Rasputin hasn't reminded me this season... probably because I won a football league last year without looking at the team for the last six or eight weeks of the season... he takes it more seriously than I do... I thought I was going now?...
if I keep this up I'll have an entry for behind the candoor... there, I just had to get the plug in, right?... I mean, just in case somebody stumbles by here and this daily life RealTime™ stuff is boring or too brief...
ok, enough irreverence, back to R & R... hope you had as much fun as I did today, or more, even... just remember I love you and it'll be alright... or at least it'll be an old song... stop me before I get started on music...
nite nite J
Labels: babble, bloat, blogs, btc, doh, giggles, home, life, memories, music, myspace, ouch, rest, secrets, seg, smirk, TV, welcome
ah, to be utterly alone among thousands of adoring fan:z!
i gots sixteen hundred shitflies
running in my mind
running in my mind
running in my mind
i said i gots 1600 shitflies
running in my mind
singing the ugly man's blues.
yes, I am perfecting the aura of being alone amidst the crowd... soon, I will be able to stand in the center of Times Square in NYC on New Years Eve and be completely invisible...
queue eerie music...
sheeeesht, if I can have this much fun dying all by myself, imagine the fun awaiting me when I start living and sharing everything again...
I am way too amused...
no really, way too amused...
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