BellSouth... don't use them unless you have to...
so 155 minutes later, after bouncing me back and forth between departments, they finally credit my account the $60 bucks they overcharged me and fix their computer so I can access my account online again and upgrade my service... it took four different people to get the service upgrade through... I could have done it with four clicks in two minutes online if I had access...
and they call it customer service...
I've been serviced alright... meanwhile, I discover that I can access my personal information without using a password and the online customer service specialist says he has no way of fixing that so I have to email the webmaster about it... so I click on the customer feedback page and write a long email including all the details the webmaster needs to know (page addresses, where to click, what to enter, etc) to repeat my hack and click send and it tells me I exceeded the character limit...
so I simply wrote that I hacked into customer information and could not fit the details into the space provided so if they wanted to know just how not secure their site is they should call me and I'll provide the details... if you google Bellsouth and diary or journal or blog you'll probably find more than a few rants about them as I've spent more time on the phone with them than any other individual in years and not once was it due to user error (me)... they've overcharged often and made such ridiculous errors that a synopsis would probably be categorized as comedy or science fiction in the library catalog...
BellSouth... don't use them unless you have too...
yeah, so anyway, this morning I finally stayed awake long enough to ramble behind the candoor (for all my dear rambling babbler fans), though I accept that it was a sub-par performance for the space... the fingers are rusty and the brain is burnt and the body is distracting with aches and itches and bloats and otherwise, all is well so hopefully I'll find time to get the babbler warmed up one of these days or nights...
and of course the TV was on Fuse all day as Precious has become addicted to that music station (which is a wonderful change from the repeats of sit-coms she used to watch all the time and Rasputin prefers)... yay for music taking over the space more...
I should probably go to sleep now since I just got a message from work begging me to work an extra shift this weekend and I just might, being crazy and all, though the writer grumbles at the loss of still more writing time and the body wonders whether I'll ever find time to rest and get back in shape before it just falls over and dies...
ah, the sardonic humor returns... the frustration with the phone company must be dissipating... still, don't use them unless you have to...
love your day...