but i didn't mean to move...
and i didn't mean to move blogs, but it appears i've been blogging elsewhere for some time now and i'll tell you about it when i have more time, but the link has been on the long list to the right there, somewhere amidst the old and new additions...
it's not an actual official move, really, and there's been fill in (and more fill-in to come) to give the appearance of daily updates, and lately i've been actually daily updating, but it's still not the actual move to a new blog that i have been toying with for months now and there's still plenty of babble waiting for formatting for this place and now we are almost caught up in real time here...
moving has been preoccupying my thoughts and time... and there's just today and tomorrow left on the old place where i can connect to the internet and then...
the Orlando Phone Company is the only provider according to the office staff at the new place and the ATT DSL people told me they do not pump ATT DSL into the place, so ten years of connection with email addresses and web pages may go up in smoke at the strike of some random hour sometime tomorrow (the heck with what Dougie Adams says, PANIC!.. ok, not really, i mean, it wouldn't be the end of the world if everything i've put on the web on my personal websites was suddenly lost, after all, i've lost more precious things than words and i've lost lots of words along the way, but it sure would be a major bummer though... must find time to move the pages... as for email, must find a way to keep email addresses and access)... ATT did offer some sort of universal wireless card i supposedly can plug into my laptop somewhere (if it's USB, oops, the USB ports are quite iffy... wonder if anybody i know owns a soldering gun and knows how to use it on USB ports inside a computer)... anyway, ATT is sending me that card and signing me up for the service at $100 for the card and $60 a month for the service (which is about $15 a month more than i pay for the family network service on DSL) and they say i'll get a rebate to pay for the card and hopefully it'll work and i'll have anywhere internet and ATT will not insist on taking over my laptop with their software... am i still in that parentheses that started with what Dougie Adams didn't say?)...
in any case, if i disappear for a few days, it'll be just like the last few weeks where i'm hardly here, but i do need to check emails for softball and meetup a lot so i need to keep access to my ATT emails until i decide if i am going to change all my email addresses at seventy gazillion different places i am signed up for, including all the serious monthly bills and stuff) which is a full time job i don't have time for or something like that...
i'm late for tonight's game night, so i'm going now... but i wanted you to know... email, less reliable than ever... blogging, more haphazard than ever... phone remains 407-325-1482 (they can't take that away from me, likethe way you wear your hat or something)...
i feel very alone in the world right now, so feel free to remind me of how much you love me and how many people love me and how you'll miss me and i am foolish to feel alone even in an empty apartment where i could die and nobody would know until the smell brought raccoons scratching at my door and they broke down the door and were overwhelmed by the odor of decay and unrecognizable body that used to contain me and they wonder how someone got to be so alone in the world that they could die like that, wait, what were you going to be reminding me i was foolish to feel about?...
yeah, i love you too :)
i hope i am not gone long, cuz even though i'm already gone, i still want to keep in touch and return to that dream of daily blogging for the many masses of fans and followers who wake up each day just to see what i rambled on about the night before so they can make it through their day until the fall asleep, exhausted, but euphoric cuz they have my wonderful dauly babbling to look forward to the next morning...
see, cuz i'm saving the world, on blog entry at a time...
hope you enjoy life too :)
Labels: amused, babble, blogs, briefish, commercials, drama, egmo, giggles, grumgles, hope, huh?, human, irony madness, loneliness, missing, mtmm, realtime, smirk
happy move!
don't you love the feeling of getting new keys in your hands ... new doors, new windows, new possibilities ...
(I know ... there's rats in the kitchen but that's what suitcases are for)
... it's all about perspective isn't it?
...leaving a hug here as a housewarming gift, and a smile too that you have a new place to make home. :)
nobody loves you, certainly not the above comment:z!
no internet since i wrote that entry and couldn't even get here from work until today (today i succeed in the the dance of the firewall fairies, some days i don't)...
i'll be in miami mon-thurs next week, not sure if the wireless internet connection will be set up in time, but i do have a card so i should be able to connect if the hotel has wireless and it hopefully will... just no email access at the bellsouth address until i get the att wireless account set up...
thanks for the good thoughts...
got to get some work done now since i've been off a lot the past couple of weeks and will not be in the office most of next week...
hope life is fun in your worlds :)
try again
try again again
ridiculous ...
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