a startling aray of redundant proliferation
and sleep has not been granted the mind or body for more fingers and toes than two people who have not lost a single finger or two have combined... so i left here to head to the dinner game party at the house of rolls and we had much fun and frolic all through the evening and a few of us continued past midnight until somewhere just before sunrise when i left to meet precious and friends who were waiting in line all night to enjoy the madness of black friday shopping at best buy (and i stepped into line to join them just as they were entering the doors of the store, but then, i was to be the one paying, after all) and then we wandered and then i drove to rasputin's place to spend ten hours taking his computer apart before finally getting it to cough up more than sixty (yes, 60) assorted bugs (some famous, some ancient, most {or more like all} denied and unwashed as it is easier to laugh off a mistake than to focus on being aware of them when they are still in pending (or appending, for that matter) status or something like that, but isn't it always so, la , la , la ... huh?)...
and then... i drove precious back to where her car was parked (at the best buy across the street from where i live... raspy lives about 45 minutes away, or an hour, depending on traffic) and we decided we were hungry so we ate at the new five guys burger place and enjoyed food reminiscent of my youth near coney island in new york and then, as we were returning to her car, she realized that she left her car keys in her best friend's sweater that she was wearing all day at raspy's (where she left the sweater and keys) and we called raspy (a few dozen times over the next hour or two) and her wallet with the aaa emergency road service number was in the car, probably, so i drove to work to pick up the on-call phone and bag and stuff cuz i kept forgetting to do that and decided it was time to do that and there i got the number for aaa emergency road service (since the number was in her wallet, remember, and i have geico road service cuz aaa did not want me to be a free member, but that's a long story of a different party) and she called aaa and while we were waiting for aaa to arrive, i had the wild notion to check the door of her car in case she left one open and omigosh, the drivers door was open, as was the passenger's door, and don't tell anyone, but both rear doors were unlocked as well... and just as i'm laughing rather heartily and telling her to call aaa and cancel, up pulls the aaa truck... apologies and more laughter and then, for no apparent reason except for the irony of amazing timing, precious' phone freezes up, complete lock up... and so we go into best buy (cuz we'd been hanging in front of it for quite a while this day already) and they check the phone and give her a brand new one cuz they couldn't get it to work and it's been less than 30 days and then, finally, raspy picks up the phone and we tell him the story i just related to you, sort of, in three part harmony...
and then, or now, to be more precise, arriving home, and apparently having fun with commas, i came to tell you where i've been and even more closer to now, to be even more precise, found myself sitting here asleep a few minutes ago, so i completed and i uploaded the entry and now, even closer to now, precisely, i smile as i did and say...
nite nite :)
but that's only part of the madness the babbler might have found had there been time, for, after all, thereal entry regirgitated above is the brief synopses of events, after all and that... the mind wizzes and fizzes at the thoughts bubbling through over the past four days... two parties (i mean actual parties, not meetups, though meetups are fun too, but parties at people's houses with food and drink and casual conversation and no structure at all, remember those?) and hours and hours of techie stuff and on-call work stuff (i was supposed to be off for five days, but both saturday and sunday i needed to go into work for about ten hours all totalled... the perils of taking on the leadership role)...
unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on perspective, life is very busy these days... busy with work and busy with softball and busy with social stuff, but through it all, no personal intimate connctions, no sparks... life is still magical, inside and all around, but where has all the intimate magic gone?...
to the bloated belly, perhaps (shhhh, we're not supposed to know)...
Labels: amused, bloat, catchup, doh, egmo, elsewhere, erreverence, mttm, music, semi-philosophy, thereal