all the news that's fit to shit
of course that was in between some reporter drooling over how hot Megan Fox is (who is Megan Fox?) as if that is all the news that's fit to print too (was the guy paid for the plug or something?)… the undisguised glee with which the newscasters over-dramatized and attempt to way-over-personalize every news story would leave the average wimp-minded human believing the world truly revolves around him or her… pandering to the two year old in every grown human is the news business these days… the news has become a series of massive car accidents and newscasters over-zealous tour guides pointing out the blood and guts and trauma and shocking sights to the gawking audience (us)… what's that about bias?... who me?...
and then there's the news report of the doctors who stopped prescribing birth control pills because it's against their religion even though they were prescribing them for years… the catholic medical association (did you know there was a CMA?) urges doctors to stop prescribing the pill and tries to present what they call scientific evidence that birth control pills are dangerous… reminds me of the religions that demand you let your child die rather than accept any sort of modern medicine (and the difference between those once called savages and witch doctors is?... nevermind)… of course there are religions killing people all the time in much more direct ways, like just shooting them or blowing them up… at least the stoning stopped… or did it?...
ah, there i go again… once again offering proof of why it is best for me to stay away from the religious… not that there isn't some good in religions… i mean, just cuz i don't see it doesn't mean it's not there… ultimately, i think the whole higher power concept fell victim to the same over-dramatization and narrow-minded self-centered perspective that dominates most human thinking and behavior… it's not god's fault, after all…
unless he really did create everything, knows everything, and has the power to do anything, that is… in that case, he or she or it might have a little responsibility for the human race and it's foibles and murderous tendencies… i wonder how the defense of free will would go over with a jury of his/her/its peers…
no wonder my audience is limited, aye?...
but come on, people are paying big bucks for a pretzel because they claim they see some religious image in the twisted bread?... as usual, the news story is the center of much interest… to each their own, live and let live, and far be it for me to judge anyone on their taste in art or what they spend their money on… i do have the right to laugh though… (see the video)
I wonder why the holy pretzel did not stay up on ebay until March first as it was supposed to… act of ebay gods?...
maybe we should stick to the big news stories, like the new Playboy energy drink that is the drink of playmates and their lovers alike… ok, so maybe that isn't how it's being marketed… yet… can i get a few bucks if they use that?... Playboy Energy Drink, the choice of playmates and their lovers… Playboy Energy Drink, for men who want to be on top of things… Playboy Energy Drink, it'll keep you up all night… Playboy Energy Drink, when you want to keep on going and going and going… ok, so the last one was a bit of plagiarism… but if they're willing to steal from me, then why not another bunny?...
yeah, ok, that's the news for tonight… well, ok, so it wasn't all the news, but didn't you know that headlines lie?... nyuk nyuk nyuk...
see why i'm not on TV?...
but Penn & Teller and George Carlin are, and remember, owners don't want smart slaves (with graphics, even, thanks to… ta-da!
Labels: amused, appauled, appreciation, giggle, huh?, irony, news, observations, perspective, psych, semi-philosophy, smirk, wwjs
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