that funny little thing called time
but I want it now!...
yeah, ok, moving right along (you know I don't take that illogical voice seriously, but don't let him mknow cuz we wouldn't want him to pout), it's been a relaxing weekend for the mind and energy (spirit, soul, anima, ka, whatever we choose to call it)... for the body, it's been a roller coaster what with indulging taste buds Friday and Saturday and still kicking the muscles Saturday and Sunday...
there was the Ohio State Texas football game,. a crucial moment as Rasputin is a serious Ohio STate fan... there was Homecoming, the game and the dance, for Precious that occupied her and the space fr Friday and Saturday... and then there's the 911 news and dramatics blaring all over the TV and if they weren't using the tragedy to sell their consumer goods like they use everything else, I might believe there's sincerity in the solemn words and tribute talk...
the news reporting makes me sick...
don't forget, give thanks to those who do great things, but please, live for today... let yesterday go with the respect it deserves by remembering to live today and enjoy the freedoms others would not like us to have...
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