sorta back in RealTime™
and look what's it become...
what? (who's asking?... I mean, who knows?... I mean, does anybody know?... what do I mean?... what has it become?... maybe... there's duality to this question too... everything has duality, mostly... and sometimes a triality... in fact, in my mind, there's an infinitality, even if it isn't a word that the spellchecker or the Webster people recognize... maybe we've blurred the question and therein obscured the answer... again... what?)...
the love songs belong on planet c
the lament belongs in the lands of the mostly dead
(along with the woe-is-me self-pity)
and even the daily life expounded
along with the history
has a place to be in candor
and then, there's the creativity
so how did it all end up right here
when this place was not meant to be
the free-form artistic emotional meld
that my journal was originally
yeah, so what gives? (I do, the thing is, rare is the taker on the internet looking for piles of drivel, heaps of rubble, fields of flowery rhymes, mountains of babble, and valleys of despair with rivers of irreverence and nonsense running through it... mostly we all look for distraction and amusement, not much unlike the sound bites and brief distractions we find on TV in sit-coms and the news or in songs that take us away for a few minutes... who really wants to spend hours reading this sort of madness and folly and occasional depths in a first contact?... even I don't, I think, though that may be my human training taking effect... or irreverence)...
anyway, I am seriously pondering (at least for a brief moment I will) another change, another makeover, another approach to sharing on the internet... returning to where I started (originally, above) was never my intention here... and as I progressed from candor to the split into planet c and the lands of mostly dead and then giving the incorrigible babbler a home behind the candoor where I thought that maybe there were too many words in too free-form an irreverent mish-most of serious depths and abstractions and odd reference so I came here to eliminate the frills and flush and flowers and extra words only to end up falling into the babbling mostly because I stopped uploading btc...
I suppose this entry gives you the story of the babbler online with focus on the main daily writing spaces (not specifically linking all the side roads, some of which are linked as branches on the tree of madness, in case you wondered, while others are linked amidst the oddness that is on the left side of right, and still others are in the gardens at the crossroads, if you know your way around, and so much more elsewhere (which still only covers a tiny fraction of the writing cuz most of this life there was no online publishing going on)...
in case you wanted to know...
but for me, it's a reevaluation of how I share on the net, especially how I represent myself on a daily basis... this blog has hundreds of entries already and still feels like it's looking for it's voice and more, has become way more words than I intended (and repetitive, did I mention repetitive, again?) leaving archives that present much more than even kind readers have time to wander through if there is any inkling of wanting to get to know me...
how would anybody know if they really wanted to know me in the RealWorld™RealTime™ life offline if there are too many words and too much creative play and irreverent asides and babbling dancing and whatever to read to actually find the RealWorld™ RealTime™ me?...
of course I know you are telling the whole world what a wonderful person I am and how everyone would love to know me and fall in love with me and have my babies, but then, when they come to see for themselves they might not believe me cuz they don't read all my rambles the way you do (see what I mean?... oh dang, this sort of laughing is not supposed to be going on in this entry... yeah, duh, doh, alas, sigh, and ramalamadingdong)...
have fun out there, and don’t let it get you down
nyuk, nyuk...
I love you for being here, you know that, right? :)
Labels: alas, appreciation, babble, blogs, btc, choices, doh, duh, giggle, hope, huh?, irreverence, loneliness, missing, mtmm, perspective, ponder, sigh, smirk, writing