memories, fantasies, and strings
i had lots of boxes of stuff when i was a littler kid... all sorts of stuff that meant something to me because they reminded me of people and ideas and meaning in this life... i even kept strong in those boxes, for whatever reasons and for whatever that means... i wish i could share those boxes with someone now... even more, i wish someone remembered me, who i was, where i've been... it is the ultimate start of sharing today... and all the fantasies start with this one... mostly (he typically smirks as an aside)...
today i use a computer for the same purpose, but it would be fascinating to see what was in that original index card file i created in my earlier youth… that is the joy and attachment i have for stuff, for the material world… the memories and knowledge and learning stuff can contain over time… in these moments today, from a very different perspective, yesterday's stuff can teach me so much… i am saddened that those who had control of me and my stuff when i was young had so little depth, awareness, foresight, and sensitivity… all through this life i have searched for humans that have more of any of those qualities, but seldom find anyone who does… perhaps it is my scale, my perspective, that measures the depth humanity and intensity of relationships that skews my view…
but i believe everyone has the potential for so much more depth and intensity and sensitivity and wonder than they reach for or create in their physical experience or even in their imaginations… i wish i did not find humans so limited, so dull in so many ways, but for better or worse this is what i find from my perspective… and i look out at the world, at humanity, at the universe and planters in space and say with much more hope than i can even express, please prove me wrong… and someday i believe some being will show me that life forms have the potential i sense we all have…
perhaps when we ride the energy of string…
but then, we are a bit of a leap away from understanding the mechanisms, powers, and potentials to be found in subatomic spaces where the linear thinking produced mostly by observable properties of space, time, matter, and energy (and human fears of the unknown and need to perceive/believe some sense of control) dissolves into a universal oneness beyond our words (everything is nothing and nothing is everything), so we muddle along thinking we knows stuff and act on those beliefs no matter how foolish, futile, or even dangerous our actions might be when we allow arrogance and greed (and all human fears) to influence us…
just ask any aboriginal tazmanian person about it…
but long before we come to understand or manipulate what we call the string (theory, i say, theory boy… just pay attention to ol' foghorn leghorn for a moment), we will play with biogenetic manipulations (in life and death) and even as hope for improvements, advances, healings, and positive changes in human life blossom from such scientific knowledge, we may all but wipe out life as we know it with bio-genetic viral weapons in our fear-driven greed and passion to control…
winning is everything, after all, or so most humans believe…
ah, it is ironic i find myself babbling on about this and that like this and that, being that this is supposed to be the RealTime™ (real life) record of life as i experience it… but then, i experience life in many different ways and just because i do not share what is going on in my head nearly as much as i used to does not mean it is not going on… living a superficial life becomes a habit, thinking superficially as well, and it leaves much room for pessimism and despair… no wonder most people are depressed, at least from my perspective… and here i am trying to be human, trying to be like most people…
what kind of fool am i, aye?...
amused by my own foolishness, for one thing… ah, the things i get myself into just to keep boredom at bay or to fill the time between falling in love… you know that is what i am still here for, living this life, i mean… to fall in love again… i've pretty much come and gone on all the other reason to live… oh yeah, i still enjoy the daily helping, and even as i become frustrated at times when my generosity drains me or interferes with things i want to do, the giving, but life is still primarily about the love and first and foremost the intimate fall, the unconditional trusting and sharing that comes with that fall in love…
all this other stuff is just window dressing and amusements to occupy my mind and feed my heart along the way… if you ever felt you know anything about me, this is the most real knowledge about who i am… maybe you understand, maybe you don't… maybe you see optimism or pessimism or hope or futility in my ramblings here and so many other places on the web… maybe you care more or less or not at all (i do believe some of you care, don't go thinking i don't, and i hope you are sure that i appreciate your caring and care about you too)… what you see through your eyes, what the words i put out here mean in your mind, what you feel in your heart is up to you… i hope there is some connection with what i mean… that feels good…
it was all on those index cards once, in a simpler way, in a few words… and strings...
i wonder if anyway remembers…
Labels: amused, babble, memories, perspective, remembering, words