it was only last year
'round here, Raspy did his usual couch potato napping between going to bed and sleeping all weekend... I decided I was gonna enjoy vegging out with football on TV and music and the internet (and happy happy joy joy, unexpected telephone calls) and so far that's exactly what I'm doing... I still want to continue the dive into the depths of the land of the mostlydead, but the quiet time and private space for such jags remains elusive so it's a staggered process...
of course it helps (in the going down process) that I am not basking in the spotlight with thousands of zealous fans all around begging for more... it's just me and you, my dear small group of apostles... the irony of being relatively unknown is that it can seem like a secret, yet it's no secret, not really, it's just all the love in the world simply going unnoticed...
before we giggle, let's all let out a collective sigh...
and I'm almost back to babbling behind the candoor on an almost daily basis again... can it get much more exciting?... well, perhaps, for the latest btc entry will reveal the formation of yet another journal... one not intended for use at the moment, but one more for posterity... a blog in a vast community long overlooked that probably should have been founded long ago when my name might have still been available... yes, I have registered a blog at AOL... I'll hide the gory details btc where most everything gets lost in babble anyway...
oh, the shame...