lost in the details
but before we get too lost in the obscurity (which may be the opposite of getting lost in the details, even if it's too late), I reflect on z (which appears in my latest newest concept for a blog which I won't mention much, maybe, because it's purpose is to be a referral archive and not a blog of it's own nature if you follow the concept of saving blog entries I link in that blog space so the links in my entries will not be broken if the original blog entry is deleted as I've long since learned so often is the case on this www, but this parenthese distracts from the point and the reflecting I was about to relate, so it shall end {the parentheses, not the reflection, I hope} now)...
I am sometimes amused, sometimes amazed, sometimes puzzled, sometimes saddened to find the consistency in human behavior that so much mind energy is devoted to repetitive processes... perhaps there is virtue in the old adage that practice makes perfect and those who seek perfection can take some solace or even pride in the redundancy of human actions and that may be one reason I am not always saddened or puzzled too much and perhaps even pleased at times, but then, my reaction is moot in the big picture and even more to the point, in my reflection when I attempt true objectivity (which may be an impossible dream, but I enjoy the perceived impossible sometimes and then, isn't that my chosen redundant behaviors after all)...
so the music repeats itself even as the songs change... even as the singers and musicians change... even as the languages change... even as the times change... and the cartoons repeat themselves much the same... and the philosophies, that's the most ironic redundancy of all as we, with our advanced technological perspectives and evolved minds, still ponder the nature of life, the universe, and everything as if the answer has not been stated repeatedly in almost infinite ways since the dawn of time as we know time... and those of us to are seeking enlightenment (and those who are considered enlightened) continue to reiterate the same merry-go-round of thought as if we still haven't gotten it just right (and by this very action, perhaps prove it)...
still, it turns me on...
most of the time, at least... and I wonder how many of the teachers and prophets and wise men and sages who stand up to lead others in their quest for something more really understand the attempt to teach in and of itself is an obstacle to the enlightenment the supposed students seek... but few, if any, have the will (or courage) to leave the temple, to stop the rhetoric, to smile and go on living and leave the students to do the same (which is the ultimate lesson, living is learning, that only begins when all the teaching stops)... for teaching, in it's nature, subjugates a group to be students being lead by another... and an enlightened life, in it's nature, frees an individual to open his/her own mind to lead him/her to live in the moment and learn by living...
it is not that I can not learn from others, it is that the only true learning comes when I am my own teacher welcoming what others can offer as fellow students, not as entitled, subjective or worse, falsely empowered stereotypes...
but what of RealTime™ (we all wonder at once)...
perhaps next time :)
Labels: amused, babble, balance, beliefs, elsewhere, irony, lam, mtmm, patience, peace, perspective, secrets, seg, semantics, semi-philosophy, words, wwbs, wwjs, zen